Thursday, May 07, 2009


Every man has an urge to explore- a vestige from the hunter-gathering days of yore when we would travel far from home to gain the necessary provisions and experience to sustain life for one more day.

In two weeks, when I head off to Asia on a two week voyage that will take me to Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma and South Korea (albeit the last one on a 12 hour layover), I am exploring new territory for the purpose of acquiring food- but in the modern sense I am seeking food for thought and there are other forces I am both aware and unaware of at play.

Traveling is in one sense a challenge and in another an active response to the innate desire to discover fertile grounds. It isn’t enough to stay at home- all of the food sources are mapped out. Men must traipse into uncharted waters to taste new things, see new sights and refine existing stimulus. It is only then that we know what truly will aid us in times when our food supply (or vacation days) run low.

Yet, with these new experiences comes the challenge of survival. Do we stay where food is plentiful, or do we strike out into the wild, via airplane, train and car, but hopefully not Greyhound? We go, we clear paths into a deeper consciousness of what it means to be a man in today’s world, and we learn, realize, and come to rely on only our instinct to get us through layovers, questionable water quality, and pushy market salespeople.

For without prior challenges, we don’t learn to rise above that which we already are. In other words, we cut ourselves off from becoming who we want to become. This trip to Asia is not just my own affirmation of feeling like a successful provider, it is a test to myself from me. It is one I will pass, for it is one I must.

To all travelers and dreamers, I say “Bon Voyage” and never remain hungry for the meal you have had once too often.

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