Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fabric's Feeling Fine

As a holiday (ok, Chanukkah) present to myself I bought this:

The press on the website says “The Whirlpool® Fabric Freshener is the only portable appliance that removes odors and relaxes wrinkles without chemicals or detergents. With the simple touch of a button and in just over half an hour, your clothes will be looking great, smelling fresh and ready-to-wear again - all from the comfort of your home.”

I have to tell you, for $215.00 this product works exactly as intended, and in part due to that, and also in part because I obsessively dry clean my very fine clothing, I have fallen in love with this device. While I won’t be carting the device around to movies, concerts and writing the thing sonnets, I will profess my love on the internet. I LOVE YOU Whirlpool Fabric Freshener.

Imagine you wear your nice Prada shirt out to a swanky lounge and as you walk in and out of the joint you are met with the smokers who in NYC are banished to the outside of these types of establishments. Inside the lounge, someone wearing too much cologne gives you a great big hug and the scent of Drakker Noir overwhelms your olfactory passages. In the taxi home, the cab driver smells of burnt lentils and incense. You are incensed because your shirt now smells like a combination of carcinogens, beans and a masking agent favored by people with poor fashion sense. Lets also say that you were smart enough to purchase the Whirlpool Fabric Freshener. This type of situation would normally call for rage but no longer. Now, a half hour later, you have a gorgeous Italian shirt free of bad smells and repressed anger at the mental midgets who have contaminated the garment with their odors. And, you didn’t spend $2.00 to hand the garment over to the dry cleaner. 100 more scenarios such as these, and this baby is paid for!

It is rare that I endorse a product so vehemently, but friends and readers alike, I tell you this: Whirlpool struck gold and I am a happy prospector.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Just An Update

Another birthday come and gone. Turning 28 was really no big deal, in that it did not feel any different than 27 although I suppose the tolerance for nonsense that you had at 27 diminishes even further after 365 extra days. For me, I spent the day at home, on the phone with potential job people and then went to lunch with a buddy of mine to briefly discuss Copenhagen and Amsterdam and other various European locales where we might be visiting.

In the evening, I went to a wonderful restaurant called Ouest which I have been to many times before but is always tasty. I ordered the rabbit cooked 3 ways, and got slightly drunk on good wine with the folks then went back to their place where I promptly misplaced a cookie, received great presents and relaxed a tad. Then it was home to lay down on my new featherbed which felt like heaven and sleep like I was hibernating.

Today however is my mom’s birthday and I am very happy to give her the presents I got her which include spa gift certificates, a necklace and some other things. I also planned a nice brunch for her on Sunday at a Jean Georges restaurant, which should be great. Anyway, just a rambling update. I have my Columbia orientation on Friday which will be awesome and ill post something about that later.