Tuesday, December 18, 2007

For Wii's a Jolly Good Fellow

It is so awesome to give a great gift, and it is also excellent to receive one. Normally I have been in the position, for many years, of giving great gifts- the ones that elicit big smiles, hugs, exclamations of happiness, that sort of thing. But it is rare that I get gifts where I exclaim with excitement or am so floored by a gift’s perfection and parallel to my desires and interests that I am speechless.

Debbie, who is perhaps the world’s best girlfriend, managed to cause an unbridled yelp of joy when she presented me with a Nintendo Wii. This is a cool gift, but one that is not only nearly impossible to get (Debbie is super resourceful) but something I have been blabbing about for months. I wanted a Wii ever since I tried out bowling in the spring at my friends place. While I am not a huge “gamer” I did get a PS2 for my birthday several years ago, but I expected the gift because I told my parents “just get me a PS2 for my birthday so I can play GTA.” The Wii was a big surprise because I just assumed I’d be buying it for myself sometime in the Spring after Nintendo figured out how to make more of them so every store in the city wouldn’t be totally sold out, as they are now. Since my Ipod conked out, I thought that would be my Hanukkah / birthday gift, actually.

So imagine my astonishment when I tore open the lovingly wrapped paper and saw a white box with the words Nintendo on it! I think the sound I made was somewhere in between when you pull a pig’s tail really hard and when you accidentally step on your dog in the middle of the night. Something between a verbose squeal and a startled bark.

So now I am knee deep, or should I say Wii deep, in fun. My right shoulder hurts because I was hitting home runs last night for 20 minutes. My forearm aches because I played two long games of tennis. All from the comfort of my living room / bedroom / dining room / studio apartment. The Wii really is like discovering the old 8-bit Nintendo when you were a kid back in the day. Just a totally unique machine that ups the fun factor like no other. Ok so I cant play GTA4 on it. But I can work up a clammy sweat instead and that’s not a bad trade off for time essentially spent not thinking about anything truly earth-shattering.

Now I just have to see about getting a second controller so Debbie and I can beat the hell out of each other in Wii boxing. And of course, I may have to jump on the Guitar Hero bandwagon sometime in the future. Wii will have to see…