Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Return of Phish

Tomorrow I will be back in the groove. After 4 years, 6 months and 20 days, (not to put too fine a point on it or anything), I will see Phish, my favorite band, once again. Besides being fantastic musicians, Phish has always represented a bohemian ideal that I ascribe to in theory but eschew in my own lifestyle. In that way, they symbolize what should be in the world instead of what actually is.

When the lights go down and the roar of the crowd becomes deafening, my eyes will close and thanks will be proffered. I know I am lucky to be seeing them but my presence at the concert was self-promised the minute after they left the stage more than 4 years ago.

The question remains, for me, do I want Phish to evolve or do I just want them reincarnated on stage? I lean towards evolution because in many ways I know that this is how musicians become better; however I secretly hope for a timewarp back to 1994 when Phish was at its agreed upon peak. In truth, they could sit on the edge of the stage and sing the score from Madame Butterfly and I would eat it up.

While these two shows will be my 26th and 27th time seeing the band, it feels like I am rediscovering them. Many years of listening to them on my iPod and watching You Tube videos, hauling out to see the lead singer on his solo gigs and caressing old ticket stubs has provided a new found appreciation- absence has made my heart grow fonder.

If anything, the dearth of music that I could listen to in place of Phish never provided much of an escape. Even my iPod knows, after I skip four obscure songs in shuffle mode, to pacify me with a Phish song that I will listen to through the end.

In a sign of the times, whereas I used to borrow my dad’s cell phone when seeing a Phish show, now everyone has one and videos can be recorded from anyone with a camera. Whether this will provide more or less of a distraction (probably more) is to be determined but does provide a new level of interactivity.

This interactivity, both on a technological and personal level, speaks to Phish’s influence. Like the other 15,999 people this weekend who are lucky enough to be at the first show, it will easily be an intoxicating experience.

I am ready; ready to embrace what I remember, ready to dance and cheer, ready to share good times with friends new and old and ready to be under their influence once again.

To Phish, I say, “Thanks, and welcome back.”


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